We would welcome new facilitators in order to extend this program to other facilities in the state. The work is intense, heartening, exhausting, and immensely rewarding.
There are few places anywhere where one could find a group of such highly motivated participants; or few places where one is reminded so urgently and movingly of one’s common humanity.
The AVP curriculum has evolved since 1972 and is solid, balanced and thoughtfully put together; it’s not necessary to begin the process as an already experienced facilitator.
Learn more about AVP by participanting in each of the three levels of AVP training. You will start with an AVP Basic weekend, followed by an AVP Advanced weekend and finally an AVP Training for Trainers.
After completing all three levels you will enter your apprentice stage where you will co lead AVP workshops with more experienced facilitators until both you and the other facilitators are completely comfortable with your abilities.
If you think you might be interested in supporting AVP’s work in other ways, or by participating in a Basic workshop, please get in touch with the Alternatives to Violence Program by e-mailing sirago5@gmail.com
Or call 207-380-4107
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