AVP Maine Annual Meeting, September 26, 2015
The format resembled a workshop, starting with a Gathering question: “What can I do for AVP Maine?”
The past year small group has done 5 workshops with men, 3 with women, and 3 support groups (mini workshops)
Our next workshops are as follows:
October—Advanced, Men’s, Pat and Sue B
November—T4T, Men’s
Dec., Jan., Feb—Men’s Basics
March through August—women’s unit
The pattern is to be “2 Basic, 1 Adv., 1 T4T, 2 Basic” then switch back to the other unit.
ROSC has granted us operating funds. The domain name has been renewed.
We concluded by offering our hopes (vision) for AVP in the coming year. Some ideas included resuming work at Maine State Prison. Almost all of them depend on acquiring more trained facilitators. Pat expressed some frustration that finding an acceptable date to meet was so difficult, but no one had a clear idea of their calendar for Summer 2016, so we will try to agree on a summer date when the time draws nearer.
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